Twitter curatorship tools will be milestone for journalism

Aug 11, 2012
Twitter's curation tools revolutionize journalism, enabling efficient data management and restructuring for the future.
About two months ago, the CEO of Twitter, Dick Costolo, stated, among other things, that the company was developing new curation tools for use in newsrooms. Costolo and Twitter hinted that they should not solely rely on traditional advertising revenues, on which the market creates immense expectations. Twitter is, probably, the most efficient way of collecting large amounts of data formatted under an organization that makes them viable for use. Information curation is a fundamental aspect of future journalism, and these tools have the potential to give journalism the tools for the restructuring it needs.
Fact-checking will always be the core of any journalism, but this is a function in which the journalist no longer has exclusivity. It is necessary to accept collaborations to be able to cover the number of locations and events necessary. The tweets of billions of people are part of this collection. Twitter's participation as the enabler of ways to manage these information flows is decisive. Listen below to Costolo's speech at the Online News Association Conference and Awards (ONA12).
The resistance of traditional media to adopt Twitter as a basic tool is a fear of dependence. But the truth is, this dependence already exists, and fighting it will not help. Journalists need to present the information collected by the audience in various forms, and this possibility of new tools is extremely interesting. The only admonition that Twitter has is about its own independence. The entry of Saudi capital into the company and self-censorship meeting third party interests raise suspicions about Twitter's ability to remain as an efficient data hub. The world needs Twitter as it was conceived and not another company guided by the interest of shareholders. Otherwise, the doors will be open to other competitors.

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