Exaggerated pressure from investors threatens large products
Excessive investor pressure jeopardizes successful product development and innovation in the face of unrealistic growth expectations.
Excessive investor pressure jeopardizes successful product development and innovation in the face of unrealistic growth expectations.
The future of journalism and the value of information in an evolving media landscape driven by economic factors and fragmented audiences.
Attacks on internet freedom raise concerns over censorship, privacy, and freedom of speech.
Hollywood's Financialization: From Classics to Caricatures as Marketing Takes Over, Abandoning Artistic Excellence and Prioritizing Profit.
Facebook's WhatsApp acquisition prompts concerns about concentration of power in the telecommunications industry and the need for regulation.
The Media Landscape in 2017: Shifting Revenue Sources and the Challenges of Independence and Social Change
The amount of information available is thousand times greater than what we can use, but the amount of verified information is not nearly enough.
Twitter's growth slowdown is not a concern; its mature user base and revenue growth indicate a positive future.
Facebook's Decreasing Organic Reach: From "It's free and it always will be" to Paid Advertising Dominance
From YouTube to Netflix, the rise of a powerful advertising medium in the digital world.