Piracy War: Unveiling the True Pirates
The piracy war exposes the entertainment industry's greed and the need for market reform.
The piracy war exposes the entertainment industry's greed and the need for market reform.
Don't overlook the revolution in journalism brought by technology, as large media corporations cling to outdated models and call for subsidies instead of adapting to the new digital communication environment.
Google+ Poses a Strategic Challenge to Facebook with its Unique Niche and Potential for Advertising Revenue
O desafio do jornalismo na era das mídias sociais é o de se adaptar às mudanças tecnológica e resistência geracional.
Getty Images taps into Flickr's user-generated content, turning photographers into potential freelancers and signaling the rise of crowdsourced content.
Wikipedia's Evolution: From Encyclopedia to Journalism and the Challenges of Neo-Journalism
Ad engagement surpasses ad sales as digital presence becomes crucial for success in the market.
A mídia tradicional subestima o movimento #occupywallstreet, correndo o risco de se tornar irrelevante
In London riots, traditional journalism loses to crowdjournalism, highlighting the need for media integration with social platforms.
Netflix's turbulent digital migration serves as a cautionary tale for print media facing inevitable decline.