Disinformation is a market and we can impose limits on it
There is a disinformation market out there raging. Why aren’t we trying to make the lives of their operators harder?
There is a disinformation market out there raging. Why aren’t we trying to make the lives of their operators harder?
Help desperately needed from tech companies won’t come to save journalism because the priorities are not - and won’t be - aligned.
Almost nine in ten citizens in Europe agree that disinformation is a major threat. Then why none seems to be ready to spend money with the problem?
Tackling disinformation may be opening the door for the UK government to create a surveillance apparatus. Is there a satisfactory balance between freedom of speech and curtailing disinformation?
We are on an environment where everyone talks, but none listens - a curious democracy paradox.
The rampant polarization in the US blinds the sophisticated audiences who see themselves as liberals - but they are no smaller part of the problem.
Disinformation does not exist without context, but context can only be deployed with the right social, economical and historical circumstances.
Virtuous coalitions to counter disinformation will not work while inequality, the real cause of the issue, is not challenged.
Artificial intelligence can help to solve some of the most terrible world problems, but without regulation, they can pave the way for catastrophes.
In 2006, every analyst thought Google would have endless legal battles when it bought YouTube. Will the same happen with AI?