And now the future is no longer - only - mobile
And now the future is no longer just mobile: Google's shift towards physical gadgets and the "internet of things" raises concerns and possibilities for a Matrix-meets-Terminator future.
And now the future is no longer just mobile: Google's shift towards physical gadgets and the "internet of things" raises concerns and possibilities for a Matrix-meets-Terminator future.
Journalism's Evolution: Integration of Coding, IT, and Newsroom blurs Roles, Challenges Publications, and Empowers Audience.
Disclosing gun permit information sparks controversy and raises concerns about privacy and safety.
A transformação digital e o futuro da educação e da pesquisa acadêmica é mais que urgente e a educação em massa é melhor do que nenhuma educação.
The Filtered Reality: Personalization and Its Impact on Democracy and Knowledge in the Digital Age.
Journalism adapts to social interactions, embracing collaboration and accountability amidst the challenges of technological advancements.
Print legacy hampers media outlets as they resist digital transition, leading to disarray and potential brand disappearance.
Video Dominates Web Traffic, But Monetization Remains a Challenge for Media Companies
The erosion of credibility in traditional media threatens its survival in the digital age as newspapers prioritize revenue over journalistic integrity.
El Pais faces collective dismissal and financial challenges due to anachronistic practices and failure to adapt to digital media.