Falling revenue is manageable, brand burnout is not

O que pode fazer com que o digital engula a mídia de vez

The Copyright Empire strikes back

PageView's impact persists despite its flaws

Legacy media needs to develop new DNA to absorb new streams of information

A cobertura da mídia dos protestos de 2013

Media innovation is more a mindset adoption than technology

O tsunami Ninja

Wikipedia's smaller growth shows the masses may not be as reliable as we need

When the print legacy becomes a hindrance

The digital environment is not a threat - the lack of credibility is

Digital's challenge recover the credibility lost by the print

Brasil se atrela ao subdesenvolvimento digital

Digital Revolution indicates deep social changes in sight

Likes, followers and why we need new metrics

NYT Paywall: A Viable Model Unveiled for the Digital Era (but just for them)

Reviving journalism: the digital tools usher in a New Era of media functions

Netflix shows that migrating to digital is very tough but the other option is death

Creating information with less cost and more focus is possible

SuperSkype or Microsoft

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