Artificial intelligence impact on news is a bleak warning for all of us

Hypertruth: when opinion prevents the debate from beginning

Journalism's crucial challenge: unifying truth to bring society together

Layoffs indicate how reliable tech is as a partner for journalism

A sustainable media away from the noise is what society needs

Random thoughts on journalism's future

The Stormy Scenario May Be the Order That Journalism Needs

Get over: no tech Graal will save journalism

The Erosion of Local Journalism: How Technological Shifts Created News Deserts

Technology is helping to redesign 2016 as a modern 1933

Comments fall into silence and trolls will have to get a life

Journalism students don’t know

Value of information depends on the principles of business and technology models

There is already too much information - the challenge is verify it

Where are we going and what will we have to face?

Digital rupture and consolidation will not come without forceps

Education as it is today is doomed - burn the academy and MOOC it

There is no unanimity about journalism - even among journalists

Media innovation is more a mindset adoption than technology

“Social media coverage” in Boston was almost as bad as the terror attack itself

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